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The breakdown of cartilage in the knee joint is a sign of knee osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint condition. It frequently results in symptoms like pain, stiffness, swelling, and decreased mobility in older people. Walking, climbing stairs, and performing routine tasks can be challenging due to the severe effects on daily life.
For knee osteoarthritis to be effectively managed, it is essential to understand its causes. Some contributing factors are aging, obesity, joint injuries, and genetic predisposition. Early recognition of the symptoms enables quick action and the best course of treatment, which may include medication, physical therapy, dietary modifications, and, in severe circumstances, surgical interventions like joint replacement.
The loss of cartilage in the knee joint, which exposes the bones to direct contact, causes knee osteoarthritis. This friction causes discomfort, stiffness, and sporadically occurring swelling in your knees. There are many ways to relieve symptoms and slow the disease’s progression, but there is no known cure for knee osteoarthritis.
Shock absorbers are a part of us, just like they are in cars. The articular cartilage in our knees acts as a shock absorber to shield us from harm. It could deteriorate, and that could lead to knee osteoarthritis. A few risk factors to think about are as follows:
Due to the cumulative effects of joint wear and tear over time, age is a causal factor for knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by the gradual deterioration and loss of self-healing capabilities of the cartilage in our knee joints as we age.
Genetics may have an impact on knee osteoarthritis. Specific genetic variations may affect the composition and structure of cartilage, increasing its susceptibility to injury or decreasing its capacity to heal. Genetic components that may affect the synthesis of proteins crucial for bone remodelling, inflammation, and joint health are also linked to an increased risk of developing knee osteoarthritis.
Obesity affects both the onset and progression of knee osteoarthritis. Being overweight puts more pressure on the knee joints, which hastens the deterioration and wear of the cartilage. Increased knee joint stress can result in structural changes, joint instability, and inflammation. The fat tissue in the body, known as adipose tissue, also produces inflammatory chemicals that can worsen joint inflammation and damage.
Since the knee joints are frequently used, knee osteoarthritis symptoms are simple to identify. You might feel uneasy in the following ways:
As the knee joint ages, the protective cartilage between the bones can rub against one another, resulting in friction and discomfort. The cartilage’s loss of cushioning and shock-absorbing capabilities can cause pain when performing weight-bearing activities like walking, climbing stairs, or standing for extended periods.
Stiffness, frequently experienced after prolonged periods of inactivity or rest, is a common symptom of knee osteoarthritis. Deteriorating cartilage affects how easily the knee joint can move. As a result, people may feel stiff and find it difficult to bend or straighten their knees.
Due to inflammation within the joint, swelling may be a sign of osteoarthritis in the knee. The inflammation brought on by the deterioration of the knee’s cartilage can result in swelling and fluid retention.
To detect knee osteoarthritis, the doctor will carry out the following procedures:
These diagnostic methods enable the physician to ascertain the presence and degree of knee osteoarthritis, aiding in developing a successful treatment plan.
The main treatments for osteoarthritis include changing one’s lifestyle, taking over-the-counter medications, and receiving supportive therapies. Although surgery has occasionally been helpful, there is no immediate treatment for the condition.
Non-surgical treatments for knee osteoarthritis focus primarily on symptom relief, improved function, and postponing the disease’s progression. To achieve these objectives, there are several non-surgical options available. These include:
Knee osteoarthritis can be managed without surgery with analgesics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. By easing pain, reducing inflammation, and improving mobility, these medications provide knee osteoarthritis patients with symptomatic relief.
Physical therapy is an effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis. Through targeted exercises and techniques, it helps to increase joint mobility, strengthen surrounding muscles, and enhance overall knee function.
Consider taking the following steps to reduce your risk of developing knee osteoarthritis and to delay the progression of the condition:
You can successfully manage knee osteoarthritis and improve your quality of life with the assistance of medical professionals. Take action today by booking your appointment with us at Gold Medal Physiotherapy!
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