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Have you ever seen someone running past you while their hamstring, shoulder, or shin was wrapped in a bright piece of tape? That is athletic tape, not fashion jewelry. This category of rehabilitation products is a standard method of pain management used by athletes and exercise enthusiasts for decades. Sports doctors and physiotherapists frequently recommend tapes because of how useful and practical they are for the user, thanks to technological advancements. What is Athletic Tape? Any athletic bandage or ribbon fastened to a body part that has experienced an injury or inflammation is called “athletic tape.” It has been demonstrated that using the tape sparingly can speed up healing and support the injured area as it heals. Tapes like rigid tape, under video, and Coban bandages offer varying support, breathability, and flexibility. Unquestionably, one type of athletic tape that is gaining popularity is kinesiology tape. Benefits of Kinesiology Tape Early in the 1970s, kinesiology tape was developed. It is entirely flexible and has been designed to feel like skin. Athletes use kinesiology tape, a heat-activated adhesive made of stretchy cotton material, to improve their performance and get dynamic support for sore or inflamed joints and muscles. Unlike many other athletic taping methods, kinesiology tape can be applied for up to a week, which shortens the healing time and is longer than many others. The following are some reasons why physiotherapists suggest using kinesiology tape: Wearing Athletic Tape: Some Tips There are many more benefits to athletic or kinesiology tape than we have listed here. If you want to try it out, these guidelines will help you apply athletic tape securely and effectively: Use only as directed: You may be easily excited about a non-invasive pain-management product, especially if you have a long history of pain. However, we suggest speaking with your physiotherapist first to get the most out of athletic tape. They will be able to assess whether athletic tape is appropriate for your injury and demonstrate how to wear it properly. Verify your skin’s tape-readiness: It might be advisable to take care of cuts or lesions, remove hair, and take care of other issues before applying the tape, especially kinesiology tape. Learn the proper removal methods before applying tape to your skin. Gold Medal Physiotherapy will occasionally, but only when necessary, recommend physiotherapy products to our patients. We do not recommend the purchase of athletic tape or any other products for rehabilitation without first speaking to a staff member. Incorrectly applied athletic tape may make an already painful injury worse. Find out if athletic taping is a good option for you when you visit your therapist next, or get in touch with Gold Medal Physiotherapy immediately.
Cervical Spondylosis is age-related wear and tear that affects the disks in your neck’s spinal column. As the disks deteriorate and shrink, osteoarthritis symptoms such as bony protrusions (bone spurs) along the edges of bones start to show. With age, cervical Spondylosis in Gurgaon becomes more common. More than 85% of people over 60 have cervical Spondylosis. The majority of people who have cervical Spondylosis have no symptoms. Nonsurgical treatments are frequently effective when symptoms do manifest. What Is Spondylosis? Spondylosis is the medical term for the progressive aging and degeneration of the spine. Spondylosis causes the discs and vertebrae in the spine to degenerate. It is a degenerative condition that gradually erodes the divide. It could lead to alterations like deteriorating intervertebral discs or spine-related bone spurs. Causes of Spondylosis There are several causes of Spondylosis: Aging The leading cause of Spondylosis is aging. Our spine’s intervertebral discs weaken and degenerate as we age, along with the ligaments and bones that support it. It is a common condition that impacts over 80% of people over 40. Improper alignment and a sedentary lifestyle The wrong posture can strain your spine unnecessarily and cause excessive wear and tear in some spine regions. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, your muscles may weaken, especially your back, abs, and shoulders. Your spine may curve abnormally to compensate for the added stress. Genetics Genetic factors may have an impact on how quickly Spondylosis develops. If many family members have the condition, your risk of developing Spondylosis is higher, and you have a stronger genetic predisposition. Injuries and Repeated Trauma Injuries are one of the risk factors for Spondylosis. Injury-induced intervertebral disc herniation can raise the risk of developing osteoarthritis. Spondylosis is more likely to develop in people who repeatedly injure their spine, just like athletes. Additional factors contributing to Spondylosis include repeated heavy lifting, joint misalignment, ongoing spinal stress, and spondylolisthesis. Types Of Spondylosis Spondylosis is broken down into four categories based on the affected area of the spine. There are several types of Spondylosis, including: Cervical Spondylosis A form of Spondylosis called cervical Spondylosis affects the cervical vertebrae in the neck region. It is a common form of Spondylosis. Thoracic Spondylosis Thoracic Spondylosis is the medical name if it affects the thoracic spine (upper and middle back region). It does not have any symptoms and is not very common. Lumbar Spondylosis Lower back Spondylosis, also known as lumbar Spondylosis, is a type of Spondylosis. It is the second most common type of Spondylosis after cervical Spondylosis. The lower back region (lumbar region) and the midline between the buttocks (sacral area) are affected by lumbar and sacral Spondylosis. Multilevel Spondylosis As the name suggests, multilevel Spondylosis affects different parts of the spine. Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis The most common signs of cervical Spondylosis are pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders. The pain frequently worsens when you sneeze, cough, tilt your head back, or suddenly stand up. In some cases, headaches may also be present. Another common symptom is a stiff neck, especially in the morning or after prolonged periods of inactivity. On rare occasions, this may result in the compression of blood vessels in the brain, which may cause dizziness or blackouts. Physiotherapy in Gurgaon for Cervical Spondylosis Gold Medal Physiotherapy assesses your overall health and the severity of your Spondylosis before recommending a specific exercise program. They will safely lead you through exercises that strengthen your neck, shoulder, back, and chest muscles. Approximately 75% of the time, physiotherapy for Spondylosis relieves pain and discomfort. A physiotherapist may suggest heat therapy, ultrasound therapy, or electrical simulations, as well as exercises to relax and strengthen your muscles. For more information, go to the Gold Medal Physiotherapy website. Call our doctor when you notice tingling or numbness in your arms or legs. Seek immediate medical help if your arms, legs, or bladder feels unresponsive.
Knee Joint OA – What is it & How to Treat it? The breakdown of cartilage in the knee joint is a sign of knee osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint condition. It frequently results in symptoms like pain, stiffness, swelling, and decreased mobility in older people. Walking, climbing stairs, and performing routine tasks can be challenging due to the severe effects on daily life. For knee osteoarthritis to be effectively managed, it is essential to understand its causes. Some contributing factors are aging, obesity, joint injuries, and genetic predisposition. Early recognition of the symptoms enables quick action and the best course of treatment, which may include medication, physical therapy, dietary modifications, and, in severe circumstances, surgical interventions like joint replacement. What is Knee Osteoarthritis? The loss of cartilage in the knee joint, which exposes the bones to direct contact, causes knee osteoarthritis. This friction causes discomfort, stiffness, and sporadically occurring swelling in your knees. There are many ways to relieve symptoms and slow the disease’s progression, but there is no known cure for knee osteoarthritis. Understanding the Root Causes of Knee Osteoarthritis Shock absorbers are a part of us, just like they are in cars. The articular cartilage in our knees acts as a shock absorber to shield us from harm. It could deteriorate, and that could lead to knee osteoarthritis. A few risk factors to think about are as follows: Age Due to the cumulative effects of joint wear and tear over time, age is a causal factor for knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by the gradual deterioration and loss of self-healing capabilities of the cartilage in our knee joints as we age. Genetics Genetics may have an impact on knee osteoarthritis. Specific genetic variations may affect the composition and structure of cartilage, increasing its susceptibility to injury or decreasing its capacity to heal. Genetic components that may affect the synthesis of proteins crucial for bone remodelling, inflammation, and joint health are also linked to an increased risk of developing knee osteoarthritis. Obesity Obesity affects both the onset and progression of knee osteoarthritis. Being overweight puts more pressure on the knee joints, which hastens the deterioration and wear of the cartilage. Increased knee joint stress can result in structural changes, joint instability, and inflammation. The fat tissue in the body, known as adipose tissue, also produces inflammatory chemicals that can worsen joint inflammation and damage. Understanding the Common Knee Osteoarthritis Symptoms Since the knee joints are frequently used, knee osteoarthritis symptoms are simple to identify. You might feel uneasy in the following ways: Pain As the knee joint ages, the protective cartilage between the bones can rub against one another, resulting in friction and discomfort. The cartilage’s loss of cushioning and shock-absorbing capabilities can cause pain when performing weight-bearing activities like walking, climbing stairs, or standing for extended periods. Stiffness Stiffness, frequently experienced after prolonged periods of inactivity or rest, is a common symptom of knee osteoarthritis. Deteriorating cartilage affects how easily the knee joint can move. As a result, people may feel stiff and find it difficult to bend or straighten their knees. Swelling Due to inflammation within the joint, swelling may be a sign of osteoarthritis in the knee. The inflammation brought on by the deterioration of the knee’s cartilage can result in swelling and fluid retention. Diagnosis of Knee Osteoarthritis To detect knee osteoarthritis, the doctor will carry out the following procedures: These diagnostic methods enable the physician to ascertain the presence and degree of knee osteoarthritis, aiding in developing a successful treatment plan. Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis in Gurgaon The main treatments for osteoarthritis include changing one’s lifestyle, taking over-the-counter medications, and receiving supportive therapies. Although surgery has occasionally been helpful, there is no immediate treatment for the condition. Non-surgical treatments Non-surgical treatments for knee osteoarthritis focus primarily on symptom relief, improved function, and postponing the disease’s progression. To achieve these objectives, there are several non-surgical options available. These include: Pain medications Knee osteoarthritis can be managed without surgery with analgesics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. By easing pain, reducing inflammation, and improving mobility, these medications provide knee osteoarthritis patients with symptomatic relief. Physical therapy Physical therapy is an effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis. Through targeted exercises and techniques, it helps to increase joint mobility, strengthen surrounding muscles, and enhance overall knee function. Prevention of Knee Osteoarthritis Consider taking the following steps to reduce your risk of developing knee osteoarthritis and to delay the progression of the condition: You can successfully manage knee osteoarthritis and improve your quality of life with the assistance of medical professionals. Take action today by booking your appointment with us at Gold Medal Physiotherapy!
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